What is the best age to start learn a musical instrument?

Many children are drawn to the piano from a young age. It’s easy to play, fun to explore, and depending on whether you have a piano vs a keyboard, it can make a lot of different sounds! All fun aside, many parents often wonder what age their child should start piano lessons, especially if they […]


Yes! It is important that children have their own instrument at home in order to practice. It is important that students are practicing at least 3 times a week. It doesn’t have to be for too long; 15min can be enough. By practicing the work they have done in class throughout the week, they are able […]

Our Annual Studio Concert

A tribute to Prince, Bowie, Cohen and George Michael 14th and 28th of June at the Paris Cat Jazz Club Performing live in front of others can be challenging for some. For others, it may come naturally. No matter the level you are at and how you may be feeling, it is a great achievement […]

Before your child quits music lessons, try these 5 things

Quitting music lessons as soon as a child experiences difficulty or expresses frustration denies that child the benefits of music and reinforces the message that, if something is hard, it’s not worth doing. However there are some things parents can try which might keep kids in music class longer. 1. Find out the reason Sometimes a […]

What is the best age to start learn a musical instrument?

Many children are drawn to the piano from a young age. It’s easy to play, fun to explore, and depending on whether you have a piano vs a keyboard, it can make a lot of different sounds! All fun aside, many parents often wonder what age their child should start piano lessons, especially if they […]


Yes! It is important that children have their own instrument at home in order to practice. It is important that students are practicing at least 3 times a week. It doesn’t have to be for too long; 15min can be enough. By practicing the work they have done in class throughout the week, they are able […]


Yes! It is important that children have their own instrument at home in order to practice. It is important that students are practicing at least 3 times a week. It doesn’t have to be for too long; 15min can be enough. By practicing the work they have done in class throughout the week, they are able […]

What is the best age to start learn a musical instrument?

Many children are drawn to the piano from a young age. It’s easy to play, fun to explore, and depending on whether you have a piano vs a keyboard, it can make a lot of different sounds! All fun aside, many parents often wonder what age their child should start piano lessons, especially if they […]